Calls Analytics Explained: Topics Classification

NeoSound Intelligence
3 min readJul 15, 2020

You’ve dedicated resources to building out detailed customer FAQs and chatbots in an effort to decrease calls to your overwhelmed customer service agents and reduce costs, but the number of calls never seems to drop.

Customers are still calling in all the time.

If this is happening to you, you may need to understand why customers are calling you before you know if your efforts are addressing their problems.

If customers have issues about payment, but you’ve updated your FAQs and prepared your chatbots to respond to questions about shipment and delivery, no wonder they’re calling — they can’t find the answer!

Call analytics software can help you do topic classification to find out what type of calls you have and the top complaints or questions customers are calling in about.

What Is Call Analytics and Topics Classification?

Call analytics offers you deeper insights about the calls you receive from customers.

Within call analytics, topics classification involves the analysis of keywords and phrases to interpret the topics and the reasons for your phone calls.

Do you know the top 10 reasons why customers are calling you? Do you have metrics on the exact percentage of each topic of your incoming calls?

Previously, you would have needed to hire an army of analysts to listen to every single call and write down the topic or reason for the call. This would have been a tremendous effort that may not produce entirely accurate results as different analysts could interpret the same calls differently.

Text analytics is already standard across the industry because we already have the technology to search written text in emails and messenger chats for keywords. However, it is still difficult to do so with audio files so many companies still struggle with analysing and making sense of their calls.

With call analytics software, you can automatically process thousands of audio calls applying the same methodology within a shorter period of time.

How Topic Classification With Call Analytics Can Help

Call analytics looks into the context of a call by capturing keywords and phrases to find out what the call is about to perform topic classification.

This can help you identify the key topics and problems your customers are calling about, whether these calls are angry complaints or neutral questions, and even whether your agents are knowledgeable and quick enough to field these calls.

A call analytics software like NeoSound’s software will transcribe the calls and scan through the transcript for keywords and phrases relevant for your business specifics.

With this information, you can get a better idea of the top 10 topics about why customers call in and employ targeted solutions to solve these issues and reduce costs.

You can even get a percentage breakdown of the topics so you can prioritise the most important needs and address them quickly.

Here is an example of the topics you can classify with call analytics software.

The example of the top 10 topics NeoSound may extract from your calls

Are you classifying your calls? Share with us how you’re doing it and what type of calls you most frequently get!

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NeoSound Intelligence — Turn calls into revenues! AI tech company providing call centres with speech analytics solutions to make their customer communication better